Danube-ADAPT - Enhancing Climate Data Cooperation for Evidence-based Adaptation Policy Making in the Danube Region | |
![]() | The Danube Region, home to 115 million inhabitants, is forecasted to be heavily exposed to climate change through rising temperatures, heatwaves, dry spells, storms, heavy rainfall, on local, regional, macroregional levels. Climate change impacts affecting the Danube Region go beyond individual state borders, and vary depending on biogeographical and hydrological characteristics, and on socio-economic and environmental factors. Improving adaptive capacities by facilitating evidence-based policy making and developing common solutions for the Danube Region is key to effectively addressing diverse climate change challenges across the region. Specifically, strengthening the information and knowledge bases with cross-regional, high-quality, current climate data and a territorially integrated approach on climate vulnerability assessments, along with facilitating their policy integration will support decision-makers in effectively responding to climate change challenges at local, regional, national and macro-regional levels. In line with that, the Danube-ADAPT project’s overall aim is to create harmonised data availability and knowledge in the Danube Region to support evidence-based climate adaptation policy making, and thus improve and balance the adaptive capacities of settlements, regions and countries across the Danube Region. To this end, a broad and balanced partnership was created with 23 organisations covering 10 DR countries, involving meteorological and hydrological, academic, policy-making and climate adaptation policy advisor organisations. Partners contribute a wealth of climate change and adaptation data, knowledge, as well as experience in adaptation responses, representing all governance levels. |
Methodical support of cities and municipalities in the area of SDG carbon policy | |
![]() | The commitments of the Czech Republic in the area of SDG/Agenda2030 (climate change and sustainable economy) are also taken into account in the national strategy "Czech Republic 2030". One of the important aspects is the introduction of the so-called Carbon-credits and Carbon-offsets, as assets that will enable management, monitoring and execution of transactions leading to the reduction of CO2, energy intensity and the reduction of the impacts of climate change on society. As part of the project, an analysis of the current state, available methodologies, needs, best-practices, etc. must first be carried out at the EU level (Activity No. 1). From this analysis, process methodological procedures, proposals, basic methodology, etc. (Activity No. 2) and in the last phase of the project, it is necessary to design an online Carbon-offset SDG platform that will enable the practical realization of Carbon-offset transactions (Activity No. 3). |
DANOVA Next - Smart Transport Network for the accessibility of Passengers with disabilities and reduced mobility in the Danube Region through innovative services | |
![]() | The common challenge of the programme area tackled by the project concerns the lack of services and barrier-free transport and the lack of harmonisation among Countries in the field of accessibility of disabled passengers, focusing on the disparities in innovation level & uptake of advanced technologies in the DR. The overall project objective is the improvement of transport accessibility (air, water & urban transport) in the DR for all disabilities by creating innovative services, and providing fully accessible Digital Travel Information Services (DTIS) through the establishment of a Smart Network of transport facilities, making a change and contributing to reduce the innovation gap across the DR. The main outputs will be: - Strategy for accessible transport in the Danube Region - Smart Transport Network for PRM (Passengers with reduced mobility) digital accessibility data - Customised pilot participatory actions - Replication package |
S4S: Smart V4 Strategies | |
![]() | CSCC participated in preparation of Smart City Concept of the Czech Republic, according to which a comprehensive web-portal of SMART strategy documents of cities and regions is created. The aim of the project: Connect relevant partners in the given area of SMART strategies Prepare procedures for classification of SMART strategies in V4 countries into one complex database portal Offer V4 partners international cooperation in unifying SMART strategies to GreenDeal/SDG rules. The vision is to strengthen the unity and effectiveness in implementation of SMART strategies in all V4 countries. |
JDP - Unified information and data platform - evaluation of strategic documents against the SMART Concept | |
![]() | The project plan follows on from the implemented project "UNITED INFORMATION AND DATA PLATFORM SMART CONCEPT", which was financed from call no. 1/2021/NNO of the Ministry for Regional Development, in the area supporting the sustainable development of regions, cities and municipalities. As part of this project, an open-access database was created portal, which enabled the centralization of 73 "SMART strategies" of cities/municipalities/regions supported by subsidy resources to unified database and a basic analysis of the content of strategic documents was carried out from the point of view of compliance with With the concept of Smart Cities. Depending on the analysis carried out, a significant structural and content disparity was found, ambiguity of goals and unsystematic approach to the design of SMART strategic documents. All these SMART strategies were created in the period before the approval of the "Smart Cities Concept" and therefore this inconsistency is understandable. So far, the procedure has been based on the MMR methodology, which was created in 2015 as a result of the project in the TA CR Beta program, was updated in 2018, but does not correspond to current times and needs companies. Therefore, it is necessary to find out to what extent the strategic documents are at least broadly in line with requirements of the "Smart Cities Concept" and to advance in methodical support of future processors and implementers municipal, city and regional SMART concepts. In addition, it is necessary to secure the documents for the implementation of the Smart Services Catalog, which is a key part, as soon as possible implementation of the SMART concept. These documents cannot be obtained in any other way than through a thorough analysis of the practical ones projects, including their links to strategies. The project also aims to methodically provide feedback to the implementers of strategic SMART documents (SMART strategy of cities/municipalities/regions) as well as MMR in order to significantly improve and unify "SMART strategies" and at the same time a link between Smart best-practice and the Catalog will be prepared for selected sectors smart services. |