Welcome to the Czech Smart City Cluster

  • Čeština
  • English

About the Cluster

About the Cluster

Cluster (CSCC) is to develop a unique partnership between companies, state administration, self-government, knowledge institutions and city dwellers. We are the innovators of the Smart City idea in the Czech Republic. We strive to build smart cities in which social and technological infrastructures and solutions make life easier for people and support sustainable economic growth. We believe these trends improve the quality of life in cities for all their inhabitants and cities, thus becoming a pleasant environment for living and working.

We strive to increase the competitiveness and economic growth of our members in the Smart City technology market. The main tools of support are the transformation of knowledge of research and development into the environment of cluster members, strengthening ties with scientific research and educational institutions, joint development of know-how in the field of social, technical and economic solutions and popularization of the Smart Cities concept. CSCC seeks to stimulate investment and innovation in the participating cities and regions to achieve the basic economic and environmental goals of the Smart Cities idea.

Our members focus on integrating intelligent technologies, for example in the areas of energy, intelligent buildings, transport and information and communication technologies. As part of their projects, they transform traditional isolated infrastructures into highly integrated systems intervening at all levels, starting with buildings and technological units, on to municipalities to the regional level and then the state.

We try to respect and develop new markets directly in the given regions and support the activity of local small and medium-sized enterprises with the development of Smart technologies, which in cooperation with academic partners can offer innovative services with higher added value.

What we offer:

  • expertise in the field of Smart Cities
  • technological and methodological support of SC projects
  • effective cooperation with academia
  • verification and standardization of smart technologies
  • support for reproducing proven solutions
  • alternative economic models and funding support
  • effective cooperation with international partners

What we support:

  • transfer of know-how and methodological support
  • application of research and development in SC solutions
  • standardization of smart technologies
  • communication with the citizen and activation of the public
  • involvement of local markets and SMBs
  • the active role of municipalities
  • open technologies and Open Data
  • expanding the membership base
  • involvement of start-up companies, development and university communities


We strive to offer a clear and uncomplicated methodology on how to use the positive experience of Czech and foreign cities to address your needs and improve the sustainability of life in cities.

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Create a space that will encourage creating and implementing Smart City projects. We will provide clear methodologies on how to proceed, transfer of experience from successful projects and support for innovative ideas. We will involve traditional regional partners and inhabitants. We emphasize openness and projects that improve the quality of life in cities.

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Involve academic partners in the process of planning the development of your city. Take advantage of the results of research and development, the transfer of experience from foreign projects and the expertise of top experts. Require quality and independent analysis, a qualified overview and independent control. We monitor compliance with the strategy set out and fulfilling set goals.

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We will help you with effectively involving technology partners. We prefer concepts that bring optimization, higher efficiency and sustainability of life in the city. The goal is the integration of technologies in the fields of energy, intelligent buildings, transport and information technology. We are transforming city infrastructure into highly integrated systems.


You can’t make a Smart City without City

You’re interested in learning more about how to start the Smart City concept in your city as well. We offer free support in the implementation of the Smart City concept, simply, efficiently and with regard to the needs of your city.

Open solutions

Test your technology in an urban environment and offer it as part of a comprehensive solution. We prefer open technologies that add value and have an impact on improving the quality of life in cities.

Become part of the community.

Are you interested in becoming part of the largest Smart City Cluster in the Czech Republic? Do you have a vision of how to contribute to the development of the concept of smart cities? Contact us and become a member of the Czech Smart City Cluster.

Technology companies


Test your technology in an urban environment or as part of a comprehensive solution. We prefer open technologies with a clear impact on improving the quality of life.

State administration, self-government


We offer cooperation in the implementation of the Smart City concept, free methodological, legal and professional support and experience from successful implementations in other cities.

Academic partners


We offer the possibility of cooperating on Smart City projects of participating cities and cooperating with technological partners on research and development projects and activities.

Czech Smart City Cluster vision for 2018