Welcome to the Czech Smart City Cluster

  • Čeština
  • English


Partnerships of academic entities

We see involving academic partners in developing the Smart City concept in the Czech Republic as one of the priorities of the CSCC. We develop opportunities for cooperating on Smart City projects of participating cities and support proactive cooperation with technological partners on research and development projects and activities.

The role of academic partners is key to maintaining the innovation and high quality of the resulting solutions, the openness of the concepts offered and the long-term sustainability of the technological development of smart solutions in the Czech Republic. Thanks to the wide representation of academic members, CSCC activities cover a wide range of applications not only in the field of technology, but also urban planning, architecture, social sciences, law and the media.

We invite all academic partners to actively cooperate and join the Smart City development initiative. Academic membership in the CSCC is free.


Access to resources:

  • you gain access to the experience gained from other cities and partners,
  • you can use the experience of specialized experts who will share your experience and best practices on an international scale,
  • the opportunity to participate in CSCC seminars and trainings,
  • access to the latest information and possibilities of state administration (Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Regional Development, Ministry of Industry and Trade),
  • access to all CSCC methodologies and resources, including the possibility of certification,
  • the possibility of involving CSCC working groups in projects in your city,
  • exchanging experience at national and international conferences,
  • the possibility of being involved in research initiatives and development projects,
  • support for involving academic partners in urban projects and the possibility of involving students,
  • access to a range of innovative technologies and support for the development of strategic partners.


  • supporting cooperation and the possibility of active participation in research projects focused on Smart Cities,
  • supporting partners in the form of analysis and certification of the Smart City initiative in order to evaluate the performance of newly introduced standards and technologies,
  • supporting the development of human resources and cooperation in the educational activities of partners who have deployed and developed new solutions,
  • methodological and educational support when creating strategies leading to the implementation of Smart City concepts.


  • membership in a national network of universities, non-profit organizations, technology companies and cities,
  • the opportunity to become part of the European Smart City community through international projects, workshops and selected events,
  • the opportunity to participate in the direction and development of the CSCC, in the form of participation in the Executive Committee.